Amir Fakhim


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I’m a machine-learning and AI enthusiast interested in Time-series analysis, Recommender systems, Computer vision, and NLP.

I’m looking to collaborate on data science projects.


Recommender Systems

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The project explores and compares the following algorithms and approaches for recommending movies.

Garbage Classification using NASNetLarge fine-tunning

Run in Google Colab View on GitHub

The Project presents a model that classifies waste into the following groups: cardboard, glass, metal, paper, plastic, and trash. This model presents a system for classifying garbage, using convolutional neural networks (modified NASNetLarge structure) and trained with only about 2500 data and test accuracy of 96.5%.

Time series Analysis _ Oil Index

Run in Google Colab View on GitHub

First I build co-occurence matrices of ingredients from Facebook posts from 2011 to 2015. Then, to identify interesting and rare ingredient combinations that occur more than by chance, I calculate Lift and PPMI metrics. Lastly, I plot time-series data of identified trends to validate my findings. Interesting food trends have emerged from this analysis.